As this is a large project involving a larger amount of capital, we required a letter of guarantee from an acceptable bank. 由于这是一个大项目,需要巨额资金,我公司要求由一家可接受的银行出具保函。
Revocable unconfirmed banker's credit The Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee Issued by the Seller's Bank 可撤销的银行未保兑信用证买方开立的不可撤销的保证函
If a period has been stipulated in the letter of guarantee, such period may not fall short of the period of duty guarantee as approved by the customs. 税款保函明确规定保证期间的,保证期间应当不短于海关批准的担保期限。
We will instruct the Bank of China to issue a Letter of Guarantee. 我们将通知中国银行开出保证书。
I'm afraid, the cost one should pay to me bank for the letter of guarantee would surely be no less than the interest he can get from the money he is required to deposit in the bank. 恐怕向银行申请出具保证函所付的钱,不会少于存入银行一定数额款项所产生的利息。
A letter of guarantee of a foreign insurance company to undertake the obligations of tax and duties payment and debts repayment on behalf of its branch in China. (三)外国保险公司对其中国境内分公司承担税务、债务的责任担保书。
Are the guests asked me to write a letter of guarantee to him. 现客人要求我写一个保证函给他。
You should produce a similar Letter of Guarantee jointly signed by two banks. 你方应该提交有两家银行签署的保证函。
According to international practice, bidder need to hand in a cash deposit or letter of guarantee from the bank. 根据国际惯例,投标人要缴纳保证金,或由银行出具保证函。
Our liability under this Letter of Guarantee shall be reduced automatically and proportionally according to the invoiced value of each delivery actually made by the Seller and accepted by you. 本保证函的保证责任将根据每次卖方实际交付、贵公司收到的发票金额而逐次按比例递减。
The originally letter of guarantee comes into force from the day of opening, cease to be in force automatically until grant the loan to repay under the main contract. 本担保函自开出之日起生效,直到主合同项下贷款偿还完毕时自动失效。
The letter of guarantee in the contract before the expiry of the warranty in full force and effect. 本保证函在本合同规定的质保期满前完全有效。
If one fails to win the award, the cash deposit or the letter of guarantee shall be returned to the bedder within one week after the decision on award is declared. 唐:如果没有中标,那么在开标后的一周内,我们把保证金或保证函退还给投标人。
The Letter of Guarantee shall become automatically null and void upon its expiration regardless of whether it is returned to us or not. 本保证函一经到期,不管是否退还我们,将自动失效和无效。
"Guarantee" means such legal acts as submitting security depositdepositing security money or letter of guarantee to the customs offices to ensure that promised duty will be performed within prescribed time limits. “担保”指以向海关缴纳保证金或提交保证函的方式,保证在规定期限内履行其承诺的义务的法律行为。
III.A foreign bank, without the approval for operating the renminbi business, may not collect the deposits in RMB from clients when opening a letter of credit or letter of guarantee. iii.未获准经营人民币业务的外资银行在开立信用证及保函时,不得向客户收取人民币保证金。
This Letter of Guarantee shall come into force upon its issuing date and shall remain valid until sixty ( 60) days after the date of Bill of Lading of the last shipment. 本保证函自开出之日起生效,有效期到最后一次装船的提单日期后的六十天。
This Letter of Guarantee should be returned to our Bank after its expiration. 本保证函一经到期,应退还我们。
The Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee Issued by the Seller's Bank 买方开立的不可撤销的保证函
Either way, the letter of guarantee should reach us two months before shipment is due, as stipulated in the contract. 无论用哪一种,这保证函必须在合同规定的装运期前两个月到达我方。
The same as ITC, however, in the letter of guarantee for transfer the only a little different is not signature by applicant but the seal by company. 与个人转公司步骤类似,不同的是转户承诺书上无需个人签字,而是需盖转户前所在公司的公章。
The Specimen of Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee for Advance Payment Issued by the Seller's Bank 卖方开立的关于预付款的不可撤销的保证函
You may understand it in that way, but a letter of guarantee won't require you to deposit the money in the bank. 你可以那样理解,但是保证函不需要你在银行里存上一笔款项。
We hereby request you to issue a Letter of Guarantee as bid bond in accordance with the column shown below. 我们要求按照下面所示项目开一份保函作为投标票据。
The Letter of Guarantee shall be decreased proportionally with the Seller's partial deliveries. 保函金额应随卖方货物的分批交付而按比例递减。
Establishment the processing trading bank letter of guarantee system, theoretically speaking, broke through original public and private method the stern boundary. 加工贸易银行保函制度之确立,从理论上讲,突破了原有公私法之森严界限。
On the Value and Defect of Letter of Guarantee 浅论提货保函的价值与缺陷
Secondly, I probe into the theory of the letter of guarantee and its practical usage. 本文第二部分则对海运保函的理论及在海运实践中运用进行了一些探讨。
Then it analyzes the legal structure of direct and indirect letter of guarantee in practice and deliberates some opinions upon some issues involved therein. 接着分析了实务中的直接和间接两种独立保函的法律关系构造,并就其中的一些问题阐明了自己的观点。
Letter of guarantee was created by the phenomenon of international delivery of cargo without presentation of original BL. It brings the party shortcut and convenience, and also it compensates for its stiffness in BL which makes the burdens during the seaborne trade. 提货保函是在国际海上货物运输的无单放货现象中产生的,给当事人带来了快捷、便利等好处,弥补了提单的程序性带来的呆板给海运贸易造成的负担,大大有益于国际贸易运输。